What Is Clay Mud?
Clay mud is comprised of ultra fine particles that create an extremely slick surface that will clog up your tread and turn even the knobbiest tires into racing slicks. Clay mud can range in color from orange to white. If you plan on being, or are currently stuck in clay mud, you will find the best ways to get unstuck below.
Best Ways to Get A Jeep Wrangler Unstuck from Clay Mud
Method 1: Rock Your Jeep Back and Forth
Depending on how deep you are in the clay, you may want to try rocking back and forth. Put your Jeep into reverse and back up as much as you can. Once you have climbed out of the rut as much as possible in reverse, immediatly put the Jeep back into drive and use the momentum of falling back down into the rut to try and propel yourself out of the mud. If you are too deep for this method to work, move on to method number two
Method 2: Fill The Rut With Handy Materials
It is always a good idea to have a way to gain traction when you go hit the trail. This can come in the form of a traction plate, or depending on where you find yourself stuck you may be able to find some useful materials around you. Try to find a way to use anything possible to give your tires a slight bit of grip. Small sticks work well for some situations. If filling in the rut does not work move on to method three.
Method 3: Dig Out Your Jeep
This is the most simple way to get your Jeep Wrangler Unstuck from clay mud, or unstuck from any situation for that matter. To dig out your jeep from mud try to move as much material out from the front of your tires as possible. Also try to create a ramp that will allow your Jeep to crawl out. When you go to attempt to get out after your digging, be sure to get into four low to minimize digging yourself deeper and bottoming out.
Method 4: Call a Buddy
If digging your way out is not happening or is not working try to get in touch with a friend or a nearby vehicle to pull you out. Clay mud can be very frustrating and difficult to deal with, especially when you get stuck by yourself. Be sure to always have your phone with you just in case you need to call for backup.